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Property Insurance

Home Services Property Insurance


What is Property Insurance?

Property also known as  Homeowner’s Insurance is a policy that covers the homeowner from losses or damage to their home and or personal property. Coverage can be customized to include comprehensive coverage, covering things like liability coverage ( damages to other people or property, fire ,flood, hurricane  and even burglary. We can help you get an appraisal or a survey done to help you make the best decisions.

Why should I buy Homeowner’s Insurance?

Homeowners– To protect your house and your personal property, loss of rent or cost of alternative accommodations.

Tenants/Renters– To protect your furniture and personal property.

How to file a Property Claim?

  • Give prompt notice to us or insurer.
  • Protect your property from further damage. If repairs to the property are required, you must:
  • Make reasonable and necessary repairs to protect the property.
  • Keep an accurate record of repair expenses.
  • Take photographs of damages if possible.
  • Prepare an inventory of damaged personal effects/contents showing the quantity, description, value and amount loss.